Friday, January 14, 2011


aiks... left one more zachut to clear...
after that holiday starts!!!!!!

quote of the day

Sunday, January 9, 2011

ahh~ tired!

my eye feel so tired after facing the html code the whole day today~
zi zi help me out with my blog earlier on but then after that i saw another very cute skin~
i cant ask her to just help me out again just because i randomly saw a better one, isnt it?
haiz... have to go start a war with the html...
and my dear dear was sitting beside me studying...
he saw me fighting there so seriously then he come & kacau...
he was laughing at me....
looking at my blurr face...
he said i messed up the codes...
and somehow he seems very geng like that...
tell me to do this and that with the html codes...
oh my god.... and i just finish with it..... hoo~
i give up d....
thought could make it better... somehow...
just like dear dear said....
i messed up the codes... and its so hard for me just to correct it!
i still hate html... very very very very very super duper much~~~~~~~~~

quote of the day~

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Thanks to dear KOALA~

special thanks to her for helping me editing my blog....
lov3 her super much... lolz...
ahh~ i am dumb with the html code & stuff... 
well ya, haha... i love u, zi~~~~~~~~~~ <3

Friday, January 7, 2011


转眼间已是2011 了。。。。
还记得出发的那一天, 爸爸的眼泪夺眶而出。。。。
心里想着他一定是担心着我, 舍不得我。。。。
但是为了不辜负他对我的期望, 我也只能忍着泪水,朝这儿前进。。。。
当飞机朝俄国起飞的当儿,我在想。。。 家, 离我越来越远了。。。。
在想。。。 当我下一次回家时, 会否有改变。。。。
爸, 妈, 我会一直努力。。。
请别担心。。。 我会好好照顾自己的。。。。

Thursday, January 6, 2011


miss my family so much...
been stucked in the hostel for one week holiday...
cause my dear dear is having his "OPEHA"...
cant be helped then... ><
be his cooking maid now... lolz... cheering and praying hard for him so that he could get good results...
miss my parents and family as usual...
what can i do?
hope that i can finish my second sem successfully and go back early to meet them...
especially ha babe...
wonder will he still remember me or not...
if he dont then i will be very sad... ><
started my guitar lessons here with yunn min...
oh my... she is so cute and pretty... she is a strong girl...
hmm... wonder if life here made me "lembik" d...
i am not that "strong" anymore...
my dear dear said i should be more independent...
wonder what will he think when he saw me last time but not now...
the girl who is exclusively stubborn and independent...
who is so fierce...
and strong...
being a leader last time made me a girl like that...
but ever since i am here...
doing nothing...
i turn soft...
oh my god... thats not good... lolz...
i feel so weak now...
and i wonder why....
cant join paramed cause dear dear is the head...
others will said a lot of things behind our back...
since i chose him i have to give up being a member then...
but i will never give up being a first aider...
cause once a first aider always a first aider...
nt gonna let my knowledge gone wasted like that... =p
wanna play piano so badly...
was considering whether i should go back and work during summer...
to earn money for buying a keyboard and bring here... but will it be a hectic case then?
was wondering that nw...
wanna buy a guitar also...
thinking thinking thinking........